This will be this site’s last anniversary with me not living in Florida!
It was four years ago today that I started this blog. The idea of one day moving to be closer to the Disney parks seemed like such a far off fantasy. I still remember sitting down to make that first post. This moment seemed so far away back then. But looking back now it hardly seems possible that so much time has gone by.
I admit to getting a little emotional as I write all this. I’m very happy all our planning is so close to coming to fruition. I’m stressed about all the work I still have to do. I hate being separated from my wife for so long. I’m sad that my son doesn’t want to do this. I miss not getting to see my daughter as often as I’d like now that’s she’s moved out. And I’m just so tired all the time it seems like!
But I know if I can just push through all of this that there’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow just a dream away.