
Follow along with our “Moving to Disney” story from the very beginning.
We start seriously thinking about actually moving to Disney. That means looking at all our available options, including whether we should just stay put in Tennessee.

Considering “The Move”  (June)

Coming up with “The Plan”  (July)

Visiting Disney  (August)

Sit back, relax, and move to Disney!  (October)

Our very, merry Christmas tree  (December)

We make it official and set a timeframe for when we want to move to Disney. We start really digging into details and researching what it is going to take to make the dream a reality.

Virtual house hunting  (January)

“The Decision” made!  (February)

Research trip #1  (April)

Running for Disney  (May)

One year down…  (June)

1,000 days to go  (September)

Disney bona fides  (December)

Our plans to move to Disney grind to a halt! After a January trip, the rest of the year we’re stuck at home with not much to do but think about the move.

runDisney 5K & Research trip #2  (March)

runDisney 10K & Visiting Batuu  (May)

Two years to go!  (June)

Hopes and changes  (October)

Still not completely out of the pandemic, unexpected life changes hitting hard, and being so close to moving to Disney with so much still to do all made for a complicated year.

We’re moving to Disney next year!  (January)

Down to 500 days… and I’m starting to freak out!  (January)

Reconsidering other options  (March)

Back in business  (May)

The final countdown & Research trip #3  (June)

Celebrations, school, and COVID  (September)

House hunting in a sellers market  (September)

Things get real. A new job, a temporary apartment in Florida, and putting the house in Tennessee up for sale make for an exciting but busy and stressful year as we began the actual move to Disney.

This is the year!  (February)

The Magic is Calling…  (February)

The countdown is no longer just for fun  (March)

Celebration!  (March)

Our first night in Florida  (March)

Our first week in Florida  (April)

Be prepared… at the DMV  (April)

Living vicariously through bloggers  (May)

Odds and endings  (May)

The last anniversary  (June)

Zero!  (June)

Discussing Moving to Disney with Addicted to the Mouse  (July)

A spoonful of murder  (August)

For sale  (August)

WDW’s 50th Anniversary recap  (September)

Harried, hurried, hauling, and a hurricane  (September)

There’s no turning back now  (October)

You’ll always be home sweet home to me  (October)

There’s nowhere else that I’d rather be  (October)

The first offer  (November)

Offer #2  (November)

Third time’s the charm?  (November)

They accepted!  (December)

Home  (December)

We did it! We moved to Disney! But while there is magic to be found, real life issues make it difficult to fully immerse ourselves in it.

Neighborhood Watch: Indian Wells  (January)

Candle on the pool deck  (February)

Neighborhood Watch: BVL and Meadow Woods  (March)

No Worries… at least for a few hours  (April)

Neighborhood Watch: Not so close to Disney  (May)

Six month anniversary?  (July)

Nine months at Disney: The House  (October)

Great Expectations  (December)

It’s been a year since we moved to Disney, and we’ve started finding a life balance that finally makes it feel like we’re home.

Make your own kind of magic  (March)

Completing “The Move”  (May)

As our “Moving to Disney” chapter ends, we embark on our next journey…
“Life near Disney”!

Life near Disney  (June)