▪ Considering “The Move” (June)
▪ Coming up with “The Plan” (July)
▪ Visiting Disney (August)
▪ Sit back, relax, and move to Disney! (October)
▪ Our very, merry Christmas tree (December)
▪ Virtual house hunting (January)
▪ “The Decision” made! (February)
▪ Research trip #1 (April)
▪ Running for Disney (May)
▪ One year down… (June)
▪ 1,000 days to go (September)
▪ Disney bona fides (December)
▪ runDisney 5K & Research trip #2 (March)
▪ runDisney 10K & Visiting Batuu (May)
▪ Two years to go! (June)
▪ Hopes and changes (October)
▪ We’re moving to Disney next year! (January)
▪ Down to 500 days… and I’m starting to freak out! (January)
▪ Reconsidering other options (March)
▪ Back in business (May)
▪ The final countdown & Research trip #3 (June)
▪ Celebrations, school, and COVID (September)
▪ House hunting in a sellers market (September)
▪ This is the year! (February)
▪ The Magic is Calling… (February)
▪ The countdown is no longer just for fun (March)
▪ Celebration! (March)
▪ Our first night in Florida (March)
▪ Our first week in Florida (April)
▪ Be prepared… at the DMV (April)
▪ Living vicariously through bloggers (May)
▪ Odds and endings (May)
▪ The last anniversary (June)
▪ Zero! (June)
▪ Discussing Moving to Disney with Addicted to the Mouse (July)
▪ A spoonful of murder (August)
▪ For sale (August)
▪ WDW’s 50th Anniversary recap (September)
▪ Harried, hurried, hauling, and a hurricane (September)
▪ There’s no turning back now (October)
▪ You’ll always be home sweet home to me (October)
▪ There’s nowhere else that I’d rather be (October)
▪ The first offer (November)
▪ Offer #2 (November)
▪ Third time’s the charm? (November)
▪ They accepted! (December)
▪ Home (December)
▪ Neighborhood Watch: Indian Wells (January)
▪ Candle on the pool deck (February)
▪ Neighborhood Watch: BVL and Meadow Woods (March)
▪ No Worries… at least for a few hours (April)
▪ Neighborhood Watch: Not so close to Disney (May)
▪ Six month anniversary? (July)
▪ Nine months at Disney: The House (October)
▪ Great Expectations (December)
▪ Make your own kind of magic (March)
▪ Completing “The Move” (May)
“Life near Disney”!
▪ Life near Disney (June)